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How Much Guilt Is Necessary?

How much remorse do you have to have before you may know that your sins are forgiven?


When you build forgivenmess on remorse, you build on sand. Then you make faith in God dependent on the works of men. Forgiveness…

Secret Intercourse

How does God have contact with us?


Never otherwise than making promises to us. Conversely, we can not have contact with God other than through believing in those promises. It does not need works, it is not about that. Works…

To Imprint Promises

What is the task of a minister?


He has to imprint the promises of God faithfully to the people, to arouse faith.


How Love Follows Faith

You say that a true faith can not be without the fruits of love. Why not?


Would you not go mad with joy if you truly believed what God promises you? Would you not love God fully because He wants to…

The Usefulness of the Old Testament

Why should I still read the Old Testament?


Because of three reasons. Firstly the laws that are in it are not actually in force for use, but they are still very useful. I do not hold them because Moses commanded…

Return to Your Baptism

When you have sinned, what do you do with being baptized?


When you arise from the sin and you repent, as it were you return to the power of your baptism. You go back to the promise of what once…

Baptism Is As a Ship

You say somewhere that baptism is as a ship. How do you mean that?


This ship is strong and indestructible. The passengers are those who are on the way to the harbour, that is to the fulfilment of what God has…


When God promises grace, why do you still have to believe it?


Grace and promise are both so necessary, that neither of them can exist without the other. You cannot believe when there is no promise to believe; and the…

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