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Luther Foundation

Martin Luther Heritage Foundation

Name foundation: Martin Luther Heritage Foundation (“Luther Heritage Foundation”)

RSIN: (follows)

Postal address: Brouwersgracht 156, 3901 TM Veenendaal, The Netherlands

Aim: The foundation wants to discover and to publish the ideas of the Reformer Martin Luther. The foundation does this by:

  • Translating the works of Luther;
  • Publishing the works of Luther digital in multiple languages;
  • Actualizing the ideas formulated therein.

Policy plan: Click here to consult the policy plan of the foundation.

Management: The management is comprised of the following members:

  • Mister prof. dr. H.J. Selderhuis, chairman;
  • Mister G.J. Kwetters, secretary;
  • Mister J. Turkenburg, treasurer.

The management does not receive reimbursement for their work.

Activities: Until the end of 2017, the foundation is amplifying and translating the website www.checkluther.com. Besides, the foundation will start with the translation of still untranslated works of Luther in the fall of 2016. These works will be published and be accessible for the wider public in 2018.

Financial: (follows after the first financial year)